Thursday, September 29, 2011


Yesterday i began working on the makerbot once again. After a littel bit of tweaking, i successfullly got it up and running. For some reason the axis' get inverted, havent yet figured that one out. My friend fixed that for me, then I really got to work.
Before getting a successful print out, I was just testing the MakerBot out a bit, making sure the machine efunctions properly. I have found however that the surface that the material sticks to can either make or brake your process. The special plastic covering that goes over the base of the platform is talcom i believe? it kinda reminds me of vinyl for those of you who also you laser cutters, but its much smooother upon the surface. The plastic filament was refusing to print out upon duck tape palced over the talcom so i simply ripped it off and began my first print of the season! The empire state building came out quite awesome! (Ill post pics)

P.S.- Immediately after the print, Mr. Connors showed me that Bre Pettis, the inventor of the makerBot was on the cover of Make magazine with the same print!

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