Monday, October 3, 2011

The Future

Tech is rotated out of my scheduale today and all i can think about is finishing my 3D cube puzzle. I started it at the end of last year have not yet finished it. The files were downloaded from thingiverse, but it takes forever to print all the pieces and put them together. I had soem issues printing a few of the pieces though, as the MakerBot i am using has difficulties leaving the small amounts of plastics in the space its needed. The base of the gear seems to get messed up a lot of teh time becase the star shape that is at its bottom has tiny angles that end up gooped up  over. I beleive i have printed about 6 pieces successfully for this cube already and have only about 2 or 3 left to finish it.
Tommorrow morning i hope to finish the project and finally get my cube operational with the help of a few screws stuck in the middle.

Link to cube gears by Emmett:

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