Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Price range of a makerbot?

Been a few days since my last blog, been very busy. But recently, I have been in deep thought about purchasing a Makerbot. I feel as if it is an oportunity for me to really progress in the next step of my ventures of hopefully being noticed by a school and helping me pay for my tuiion. The price range on these Makerbot kits is higher than i originally thought they were though. For about $900 you can purchase a makerbot kit that you must put together. This was kind of a disapointment to me, seeing that i cannot amass that amount of money in a small amount of time. This would take quite a while to save up for, and although i believe it to be a good investment, I'm not completely sure if this hobby and practice can be justified with that kind of pricetag. I hoep to find a Makerbot with a somewhat cheaper price, and if so, plan to become the proud owner of one of these beautiful machines.

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