Friday, October 14, 2011


I have recently started looking into colleges seeing as I am a senior in high school. Im not afraid to admit that up until last week, i didnt have even the slightest clue as to what i wanted to do haha. My family has a history of successful engineers and tradesman, but i've still been unsure as to exactly what i wanted to do. Living in MA. i have a lot of options for schol in my area. Prefferign a suburban setting, i have recently been looking into schools in the city or urban enviornment. I've visited Suffolk, Mass Maritime, and Umass Amherst. My final decision has yet to be chosen and i also want to look into the military. My cousin joined the Air Force and leaves for boot camp at the end of this month. I wish him luck, he's a smart kid, he'll do just fine.

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