Tuesday, December 13, 2011


After having this website brought to my attention, I checked it out and saw the incredible projects being done. The concept of the website is to post peoples' ideas and projects in hopes that other people viewing their ideas will literally donate money to fund production. Mnay projects are movie  concepts , but there are a multitude of cool ionventions that could really become big hit sellers among consumers.

Mr. Connors pointed out a simpler makerbot design that consisted of as base and platform, hence being capable of sellign for much less than current Makerbots. I also viewed a waterproof iPod nano case that served as a wristband as well. The inventions demonstrtaed on the website really make you think, and leave an utter feeling of wantign to develop an invention to post on there. Who knows, your product might just be the next best thing!

Check it all out at :kickstarter.com

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