Thursday, February 16, 2012

Refurbishing the Skills!

This whoel week has been dedicated to projects I've done both in the past and am presently working on. I recently redesigned both vinyl stickers and redesigned my laser cut box. The projects helped me do multiple things:
First and foremost, reestablishing how to work with open office draw fiels. I oculd not remember for the life of me how to cut let alone make a vinyl sticker. The project definately helped this rusted skill.
Second, was how to make and design a tab and slot box in open office. Ever since I did these projects last year, I've stayed as far away from the program as possible haha. This hesitation hasnt aged well over time. The tab and slot box though was a very inttricate intimate project that took both time and patience when first designing the files, but is well worth it when you see the final result.

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